The Associated Press reports tests confirming that Comcast interfers with P2P subscriber traffic. Additional tests indicate that Time Warner Cable, Cablevision, and a business class connection to AP headquarters did not interfere with the same P2P file transfers.
The article suggests that Comcast is using technologies from Sandvine to interfere with the P2P traffic:
Comcast subscriber Robb Topolski, who discovered the blocking earlier this year and traced it to reset packets, pointed out that a Canadian company called Sandvine Inc. sells equipment that promises to save bandwidth for Internet service providers by managing and redirecting file-sharing traffic.
BitTorrent Inc. President Ashwin Navin said that the interference method on Comcast's network is consistent with Sandvine's technology. Sandvine did not respond to a request for comment.
Comcast spokesman Charlie Douglas would not confirm that the company uses Sandvine equipment.