Don't miss privacy watchdog and activist Lauren Weinstein's Gilbert and Sullivan parody, ""I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major Googler" with sing along lyrics.
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The Hollywood Reporter and many other outlets are reporting that Sony BMG Music Entertainment is suing the developers of one of the copy protection technologies at the root of the rootkit fiasco [sorry, couldn't resist]. Sony BMG filed suit in New York alleges that the Amergence Group Inc., formerly SunnComm...
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My own views are, of course, very far away from those of Cory Doctorow, who has written a long and generally informative piece for Information Week entitled "A Behind-The-Scenes Look At How DRM Becomes Law. Despite it's anti-DRM mutterings, it's worth a read. Among other things, he describes the meetings...
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Information Week is quoting Linux creator Linus Torvalds as saying that In a posting on the Linux kernel mailing list, Torvalds said the Free Software Foundation's position on Tivoization is one reason he won't license his Linux kernel under GPLv3. "The GPLv3 doesn’t match what I think is morally where...
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Every Thursday, the US Patent and Trademark Office publishes pending patent applications. Publication has no bearing on whether a patent will eventually be issued based on the application. Still, issued patents and published applications are often indicators of what people have been thinking about and the kinds of things that...
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Media Rights Technologies,which has patent pending technologies for securing streaming audio, has initiated another legal challenge. In a letter to the Library of Congress, MRT's outside counsel asks that certain statutory webcasting liceneses be revoked. The targets of this latest MRT initiative include AOL, Clear Channel , iTunes, Live 365,...
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Home Media Magazine has an article in their digital edition quoting consultant Richard Doherty of the Envisioneering Group regarding his views on BD+ security for Blu-ray. BD+ is the added protection layer adopted by the Blu-ray consortium to increase the overall security of Blu-ray distributed content. [Doherty] said BD+ offers...
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Privatunes announced software that removes the identifying information that Apple includes in each music file, including those sold without FairPlay DRM. However, the Electronic Frontier Foundation says the removal is not complete: There are two fairly large fields, marked sign and chtb, that are unique to each copy of a...
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Blogger Benjamin Mako Hill has an interesting blogicle on the use of "DRM Free" as branding feature. Hill's posting shows a flyer for a music store featuring "DRM Free" as a prominent element of the images. DRM-FREE, it turns out, is a good way to sell music. Not just to...
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"Edge" has a decent review article in Next Generation Interactive Entertainment Today of the current state of piracy issues and game consoles. Regarding the PS3/Blu-ray, Edge writes: emerged late in 2006 that Blu-ray copy protection had in fact already been beaten anyway, with both the AACS signal encryption broken,...
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Digital Rights Management is the association of rules governing use and use consequences with digital information of all kinds and the enforcement of those rules at a distance in time and space.
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ContentGuard IP portfolio, reference designs, XrML